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SPS Montagne Posee

Weekdays: 08.00am to 04.00pm

Vision Statement

Our Vision is to become the centre of excellence for effectively managing and rehabilitating our prisoners to exceed international minimum standards.

A safe prison

Transforming lives through a safe community

Seychelles Prison Service

Our Vision is to become the centre of excellence for effectively managing and rehabilitating our prisoners to exceed international minimum standards.
We will serve the public of the Seychelles by carrying out the sentences of the courts and contributing towards the development of a crime free society by rehabilitating prisoners in our care

SPS 2024 Operating Theme:


Message from CP

"We seek to continually improve and progress forward.  This has been my drive and motivation since my appointment as head of the Seychelles Prison Service on 22 November 2017.  Since that day and into each year we have been motivated to deliver against targets and objectives.  Our team of dedicated men and women remain committed to seeing that we do become and are regarded as a premier correctional institution.  We are certainly  determined to rehabilitate those who have committed crimes and having been convicted to serve their time positively.  Our ultimate aim where possible is to successfully reintegrate back to society those who fell and succumbed to negative influences.  If we are to reform then this must be our ultimate goal."

Mrs. Janet Georges

Commissioner of Prisons

Seychelles Prison Chief Superintendent

Other Supporting Documents

Seychelles Prison
Seychelles Prison Service

Seychelles Constitution

Supporting good values.

Mission Statement

Our values, our mission.

Nelson Mandela Rules

Humane treatment a core value.

Our Services



The Seychelles Prison Service operates several facilities to manage inmates on day release work programme, a detention facility for those awaiting trial, and a prison facility to manage convicted inmates for both male and female convicted.  The prison facility currently in operation is a low to medium risk facility.



The Seychelles Prison Service has in support of the operations a Human Resources and Administration Department, an Internal Quality & Assurance Department and as well the Secretariat Office for the Superintendent of Seychelles Prison Service.



The Probation and Rehabilitation Department operates to support core functions of the prison service and the rehabilitation efforts under ‘Project Phoenix’.  It as well prepares and provides reports to the courts of the Republic of Seychelles, monitors and supervises inmates on License to be at Large.  Counselling and Psychosocial support is afforded those inmates or remands under the care of the prison service